7 Tips for attending a Rave

You’d want to make the most of it when attending a party, wouldn’t you? Ghanaians are known as party people, attending parties, festivals or rave events is a fun way of catching up with people. However, attending such events can be tricky sometimes, especially if you are attending a festival or rave.

Raves are known to be jam-packed with people and it can sometimes get a little too crazy.

So how do you attend a rave with a lot of people around you?

Here are 7 tips on how to attend a rave or festival and make the most out of your time;

  1. Never go out with someone you don’t trust; this is the most important tip. Do not limit your social interactions to only your “town buddies” (acquaintances you hang out with but don’t know well enough to have a personal relationship with). You should go out at least with a responsible friend who you know will support you. You’d think just going out with people would make you safer, but some people may intentionally put you in a position where their friends may take advantage of you. When planning an outing with a group, remember to plan it with people you trust to have your back.
  • Leave early for your event destination! Once there is a festival being organized, the traffic leading up to your destination is horrendous. Be prepared to arrive at your location with a one to two-hour delay, if that doesn’t fit in your plan. Additionally, Google Maps and Ride-Hailing services function well in Accra. It is also best to carpool with companions who are also attending the same event, this will reduce the cost of transportation. The Uber, yango or Bolt ride surges are sometimes crazy and going everywhere together saves you a lot. If one person is driving, you can all contribute towards fuel, it’s still massively cheaper than fueling all your individual cars.  
  • Unless they specifically announce they’ll be selling tickets at the venue, buy all your event tickets early and always pre-game (eat) before attending a rave. You would be shocked at the inflation of price for tickets at the venue or consumables at such events. Most rave events usually have drinks or alcohol vendors around.
  • When planning your outing, you should at least have enough money for 1 drink and your transport back home (If you don’t, you shouldn’t be out). Finding a ride to your destination is always easier than finding a ride back home which is a different ball game altogether.
  • When going out in a group, buying everything (food, drinks, or merchandise) will be relatively less expensive.  Buying a bottle of a desired beverage will be better than buying a glass because the bottle will be cheaper than buying a glass. For example, a bottle of tequila costs less than 15 shots (for a large group). Also, buying food in bulk is less expensive.  
  • Once you are at your destination, always mark a regroup point. In a crowded place, it’s easy for confusion to arise or lose track of someone you are with. Be mindful to mark a point where you and your companions can regroup in any given situation.
  • As the saying goes “Accra Stay by plan”. Festivals, raves or events are considered peak seasons for thieves and scammers. What then should you do?
  • Lock your car doors when you sit inside.
  • Keep your bags and phones away from the windows.
  • Don’t carry more cash than you need
  • Don’t portray yourself as a flashy or lose person who can be easily targeted.
  • People from the diaspora, it’s advisable to you carry a copy of your ID with you in case of any misunderstanding.
  • When you’re shopping, don’t follow any person who offers you a “better deal” into corners or alleys.
  • Double check things you buy before leaving the vendor.

We hope you enjoyed our blog about attending event, raves, parties, festival etc. We know that there are lots of people out there that have never been to a rave party before and we wanted to provide some great tips for making the most of your experience.

If you have any questions about attending events in Ghana, you can reach out to us we will be more than happy to assist you:

Call us on: 0555584557

Email us at hello@xperienceghana.com

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