The Ghana National Mosque is the largest in West Africa after Djamaa el Djazaïr the largest Mosque in Africa, located in Algeria. The building of the mosque cost $10 million, which was funded by the Turkish Hudai Foundation in Accra with the support of the Turkish government. The complex includes a residence for the imam, a school and a library.

The construction began of this magnificent building began in 2012. Osman Nuhu Sharubutu in a speech claimed Jerry John Rawlings and others helped in the securing of the land for the realization of the project for Muslims in Ghana. In 1995, JJ Rawlings Demarcated the land to replace a mosque that was demolished for the building of Rawlings Park in Central Accra. The project was started by the Muslim Community of Ghana and was on halt, close to 10 years because of lack of funds.

Located on the E Kanda Rd, Accra- Kanda-Nima, the mosque is built in an Ottoman revival style with four signature minarets towering about 65m above the ground. The Mosque is claimed to be a replica of the Blue Mosque. This is made of Carrara marble exterior fittings and the upper levels of the interior of the mosque are dominated by blue paints, with stained glass windows with designs.

The inner decorations are made of hand-drawn calligraphic verses of the Quran with floors covered with carpets. The mosque has a mihrab made from sculptured marbles, with a stalactite niche and a double inscriptive panel above it. The exterior feature is arranged with a cascade of domes around the main dome. The mosque is claimed to be a 15,000-seater-capacity mosque complex built on 42-acre land. It has an office complex for the National Chief Imam, a morgue, a library, a school, dormitories, workers and guest’s residences and a fitted clinic with laboratories and a pharmacy.

Since its opening, the mosque has drawn thousands of Muslim and non-Muslim visitors. Welcome to Ghana’s national mosque!

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